This morning, the Glee Club awoke at a bright and early 4:15 AM. After approximately 3 hours of sleep, I rushed to finish packing my suitcase, and was impressed when it would, in fact, close. Upon arrival at Lisbon airport, many a glee clubber engaged in delirious conversation while awaiting a boarding pass. Once past check-in and security, the next step was to hunt for food prior to the flight. Food acquired and awaiting boarding at the gate, both the moon, as well as a rainbow, were visible in the sky.
As Gabriel noted, while the flight from Lisbon to Madrid was a mere 2 hours, one would have been hard pressed to find a glee clubber whose eyes were open. Upon arrival at Madrid airport, after going through security and the like, it was once again a quest for food. However, after discovering an unfriendly 1.5 hour delay, many found comfort in getting ahead on work for the week, discussing reflections of the tour, or even completing buzzfeed quizzes and comparing results.
Luckily, the delay did not drastically impact our arrival time at JFK. Immigration took faster than anticipated, and the bags arrived at what felt like record pace. Next thing we knew, we were getting onto Buses A and B for the last time, taking the turnpike back to Old Nassau. Upon arrival on Prospect, some headed to Tacoria, while others, including myself, stopped at the Ustore to grab dinner before heading back to dorms.
After a reasonable amount of sleep was achieved (hopefully) by all, classes were attended and work was accomplished, we met again to elect our new officer board. We are so thankful for all of the work that this past year’s officer board accomplished, including, but not limited to, our tour of the Iberian peninsula. A huge thank you to our tour managers in particular, Allison and Karlo, for all the work that they put into making this past week such as success. A special thanks to our President and Manager, Jenia and Robert, for all the work that they constantly put in, in order to ensure that Glee is the best it can be! Further, every single officer showed up and helped out, whether it be taking attendance on the bus or ensuring the inclusion of every glee clubber in endless amounts of fun and exploration.
I would like to give a huge thank you to all of the members of our outgoing board:
President: Jenia Marquez ‘25
Manager: Robert Mohan ‘26
DEI Liaison: Sasha Villefranche ‘26
Concert Manager: Tuba Ahmed 26,
Tour Managers: Karlo Andrei Antalan ‘25, Allison Rodrigues ‘26
Publicity Chairs: Madison Anderson ‘27, Yuri Lee ‘27
Social Chairs: Sophia Girand ‘25, Charlie Ambach ‘26
Alumni Liaison: Caitlin Hodge ‘27
Archivist: Evan Shidler ‘27
Lastly, this tour would not have been the same without Gabriel and Mike’s leadership, and for this myself, and the entire officer board, are endlessly grateful.
Thank you so much to you all for following along on this journey with us! We had an incredible week with memories that will last a lifetime. We are so grateful to have been able to share the details of our adventures with you!
I am so excited to have the privilege to continue as a Glofficer during this next year. The 2025-26 Officer Board will be as follows:
President: Tuba Ahmed ‘26
Manager: Sophie Miller ‘27
DEI Liaison: Caitlin Hodge ‘27
Concert Manager: Katya Grygorenko ‘27
Tour Manager: Evan Shidler ‘27
Publicity Chairs: Sabrina Warner ‘28 and David Getz ‘28
Social Chairs: Otto Trueman ‘27 and Alex Margulis ‘27
Alumni Liaison: Miguel Palacios ‘28
Tech Chair: Max Mathias ‘28
Archivist: Stanley Stoutamire ‘27
It has been such an honor to serve as your tech chair this year,
Sophie Miller ‘27