Story Cast 8: Nancy Lester du Tertre, Class of 1978

In preparation for the Glee Club's upcoming tour to Europe, Nancy Lester du Tertre '78 reminisces about her own tour to Jamaica. Tell us your memories of this or other tours in the comments below!

Top left – Two Glee Club members standing in front of bauxite lakeTop right – Glee Club members relaxingBottom left – Walter Nollner conducting at the Governor’s Mansion concertBottom right – me on the beach Photos courtesy of [Nancy (Lester) d…

Top left – Two Glee Club members standing in front of bauxite lake

Top right – Glee Club members relaxing

Bottom left – Walter Nollner conducting at the Governor’s Mansion concert

Bottom right – me on the beach


Photos courtesy of [Nancy (Lester) du Tertre ’77/ ‘78]

Glee Clubs to perform world premiere

For the special occasion of the 100th football concert series with Harvard and Yale, the Princeton University Glee Club combines its rich history of musical premieres and its fondness for the music of famous Finnish composer, Jaakko Mantyarvi.

Please join us for the world premiere of Mantyarvi's The Famous Tay Whale, specially composed for the Glee Clubs of Princeton and Yale, on November 15!

See what the composer has to say about the piece below. 

Reunions 2013

Thank you to all Glee Club members, past and present, who participated in the annual singing of Spem in Alium and in the very special Bill Trego Reunion Performanc

We would very much like to share pictures of the event and hear your feedback!

Please send your pictures to or use #PUGC with instagram and post your comments at the bottom. We would love to hear from you!